
Timbercrest Dental Center

10 Reasons to Get Excited About Going to the Dentist

Dr. John Luther

Dr. John Luther, D.D.S. & Founder

Jan 22, 2015

Get Excited for the Dentist!

Timbercrest Dental Center

There are those who dread going to the dentist. They’ve had bad experiences, rude dentists, or experienced a painful appointment. We’re here to tell you there are reasons to get excited about going to the dentist!

These 10 reasons will get you excited about going to the dentist, too!

  • Going to the dentist is good for your overall health

Your dental health affects more than just your teeth and gums. Proper dental hygiene can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and respiratory problems.

  • Dentists are there to help you

Their job is to help you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile. Ask them questions and follow their advice. When your dentist tells you to floss every night, do it!

  • Dentists are people, too

Tell them why you’re nervous before your exam and they will try to make it better. Even the grumpiest of grumps will understand that you’re nervous and try to help.

  • Prevention is the best way to catch and treat any dental issues

Hey, if they do find something, as long as it’s caught early it’ll be easier to fix (and less costly) too! Dentists can look for signs of other diseases such as diabetes.

  • Save money!

Yes, if your dentist is able to catch dental issues early, those early treatments will cost much less than if you waited.

  • Set an example for your kids

Are you nervous about the dentist? If so, it will rub off on your children! Help get them excited to visit the dentist by being excited yourself. Don’t tell them any horror stories until they’re much older.

  • Save you hours of work

Americans lose 164 million hours a year of work time due to dental issues. Preventative care can save you lost wages and hours of sitting in a dentist’s chair.

8. The fresh clean feeling of your teeth

Come on. What’s better than that “fresh from the dentist” clean-mouth feeling? Show off those pearly whites!

9. A dentist appointment gets you out of work for a couple hours!

On the bright side, a dental appointment can get you out of work for an hour or two. Who says you can’t stop by Starbucks on your way back?

10. You’re taking great care of your health

You’re among the 61.2% of Americans who visit the dentist and take great care of their teeth. Smile!

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