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COVID Update – 4/28/2020

To Our Dental Family: We hope this letter finds you and your family in good health. First off, Timbercrest Dental Center will be opening back up to ALL services starting May 11, 2020. Until then, we will continue to be open, and ready to schedule for emergencies only....

Find a Dentist You Trust BEFORE An Accident

Find a Dentist You Trust BEFORE An Accident

It is important to trust your dentist, especially if you have an emergency situation and need help quickly. The last thing you want after getting in a car accident is to be afraid about the type of treatment you may get for your dental injury. A quality lawyer can...

Benefits of Smiling

Benefits of Smiling

A Smile is Just a Smile – Or is it? In the dental world, we know that a smile is one of the first things people notice when meeting someone new. We are, after all, in the business of giving people their best smile and making the world brighter, one smile at a time. “A...

Finding the Best Teeth Whitening Option

Finding the Best Teeth Whitening Option

We brush and floss every day in hopes to keep our teeth bright, white, and healthy. Yet, we often find ourselves hiding behind a smile we are not happy with because of the color of our teeth. Professional whitening is one of the fastest, most cost-effective ways to...

Does Your Child Have Sleep Apnea, Not ADHD?

The symptoms are startlingly similar. Children suffering from sleep deprivation caused by Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) can be hyperactive and moody. If OSA is misdiagnosed as ADHD, it can make matters worse. We treat many cases of sleep apnea, and this infographic...

Sleep Apnea Information and Myths

Sleep Apnea Information Sleep apnea is a strange condition that affects 18 million Americans. Learn about sleep apnea and the myths that surround this sleeping disorder. What is Sleep Apnea? It’s a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or...

Is Botox Right for Me?

Is Botox Right for Me?

Botox is a facial injection procedure that  is performed over 1 million times every year on first time patients alone! So yeah, it’s pretty popular. Based on its popularity and proven effectiveness, you may have found yourself asking if Botox is right for you. Learn...

A History of Dentistry

The Amazing History of Dentistry Timbercrest Dental Center Sometimes people think us dentists aren’t aware about where we fall on their “stuff I’d like to spend my time doing” lists… Oh we know, even if we had a great soundtrack the most soothing voices and a...

Health Risks of Poor Oral Hygiene

Importance of Oral Hygiene Timbercrest Dental Center   Question? What is one of our favorite things to write about on this blog? If you answered oral hygiene, then you’re right! Other acceptable answers include general dentistry, animals, and Broadway musicals...

Still Time to Use Dental Insurance Benefits

There is still time to use dental insurance benefits this year.   If you need a filling, crown, etc. and/or a dental cleaning, there is still time to access unused dental insurance benefits for 2014. While space is getting very limited, there are still a few...

Thumb Sucking Habit

Let's face it...kids like to suck on thumbs.  And fingers, and pacifiers. Its a natural reflex that relaxes them and makes them feel safe and happy.  But, if they continue or overuse this habit, problems can occur with proper growth of the mouth and alignment of the...

Oral Care for Pets

Anybody who has pets know that they are a member of the family. You grow accustomed to their personality and behaviors as much as any other person beneath your roof. Along with providing love and safety, you strive to provide for all of their needs and take care of...

Advancements in Dental Implant Technology

Losing a tooth can be one of the worst feelings in the world. Not only can it make you feel self-conscious but the strange sensation in your mouth where the tooth used to be can keep you from staying properly nourished. A popular solution to broken or missing teeth is...

Oral Hygiene Around the World

Oral Hygiene Timbercrest Dental Center   If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know how important oral hygiene is for us...and you. Coming from a dentist, this might sound like a cliché, but there are few things as important to your overall health as...

Baby Teeth Tips

Baby teeth start to come in at around six months of age and your child should have all 20 baby teeth between age two and three.   Teething Tips When teeth start to erupt, some babies may have sore or tender gums. Rubbing the gums with a clean gauze or finger...