Baby teeth start to come in at around six months of age and your child
should have all 20 baby teeth between age two and three.
Teething Tips
When teeth start to erupt, some babies may have sore or tender gums.
Rubbing the gums with a clean gauze or finger might help. A chilled,
clean teething ring may also make the ordeal more comfortable for your
little one. Please don’t dip the teething ring in honey, sugar or juice.
Products (gels or creams) with benzocaine should NOT be used in children
younger than two. This is a local anesthetic and may make swallowing
and/or breathing properly difficult for your little one; a small number of
children have had serious reactions to it as well.
When will my child’s teeth come in?
This chart, courtesy of the American Dental Association (ADA), shows the ages
when your child should get their baby teeth (erupt) and when they tend to lose
them (shed). These ages are guidelines only – all children are different
and your child may have a unique timetable for eruption and shedding.
When should my child be seen for the first time?
When your little one has all their baby teeth (between ages two and three)
it is recommended that you schedule an appointment to have a thorough exam
and cleaning performed. The first visit will be mostly a “get-to-know-us”
fun visit. Check out these “first visit” guidelines to making your little
one’s first dental appointment a positive experience!
Source: American Dental Association pamphlet: “Your Child’s Teeth – Helpful Tips
for Parents and Caregivers”