Sleep Apnea Information and Myths

Sleep Apnea Information Sleep apnea is a strange condition that affects 18 million Americans. Learn about sleep apnea and the myths that surround this sleeping disorder. What is Sleep Apnea? It’s a common disorder in which you have one or more pauses in breathing or...
Is Botox Right for Me?

Is Botox Right for Me?

Botox is a facial injection procedure that  is performed over 1 million times every year on first time patients alone! So yeah, it’s pretty popular. Based on its popularity and proven effectiveness, you may have found yourself asking if Botox is right for you. Learn...

A History of Dentistry

The Amazing History of Dentistry Timbercrest Dental Center Sometimes people think us dentists aren’t aware about where we fall on their “stuff I’d like to spend my time doing” lists… Oh we know, even if we had a great soundtrack the most soothing voices and a...