by Dr John Luther | Jan 30, 2015 | Dental Hygiene
Importance of Oral Hygiene Timbercrest Dental Center Question? What is one of our favorite things to write about on this blog? If you answered oral hygiene, then you’re right! Other acceptable answers include general dentistry, animals, and Broadway musicals...
by Dr John Luther | Jan 22, 2015 | dental health
Get Excited for the Dentist! Timbercrest Dental Center There are those who dread going to the dentist. They’ve had bad experiences, rude dentists, or experienced a painful appointment. We’re here to tell you there are reasons to get excited about going to the dentist!...
by Dr John Luther | Jan 6, 2015 | Dental Health, General Patient Info, Uncategorized
Oral Cancer is a devastating disease when detected in its later stages; in the later stages it usually involves major surgery and has about a 50% success rate. Oral Cancer kills more people nationwide than either melanoma or cervical cancer. Good News About Oral...
by Dr John Luther | Dec 16, 2014 | Dental Health, General Patient Info, Uncategorized
Cold sore season is fast approaching. As you may know, cold sores are extremely contagious. More than 85% of the American population is infected with the contagious virus that causes cold sores, and with 40% of the population suffering from recurrent, painful cold...
by Dr John Luther | Dec 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
There is still time to use dental insurance benefits this year. If you need a filling, crown, etc. and/or a dental cleaning, there is still time to access unused dental insurance benefits for 2014. While space is getting very limited, there are still a few...
by Dr John Luther | Nov 18, 2014 | Dental Health, Pediatric Dentistry
Let’s face it…kids like to suck on thumbs. And fingers, and pacifiers. Its a natural reflex that relaxes them and makes them feel safe and happy. But, if they continue or overuse this habit, problems can occur with proper growth of the mouth and...
by Dr John Luther | Nov 3, 2014 | Dental Hygiene
Anybody who has pets know that they are a member of the family. You grow accustomed to their personality and behaviors as much as any other person beneath your roof. Along with providing love and safety, you strive to provide for all of their needs and take care of...
by Dr John Luther | Oct 8, 2014 | Dental Health
Losing a tooth can be one of the worst feelings in the world. Not only can it make you feel self-conscious but the strange sensation in your mouth where the tooth used to be can keep you from staying properly nourished. A popular solution to broken or missing teeth is...