by Dr John Luther | Sep 5, 2012 | General Patient Info
Are headaches a near-daily occurrence for you? If so, you’re not alone…23 million Americans suffer from migraine pain, with 44 million suffering from chronic clenching and grinding (which ultimately results in tooth damage). But a simple little piece of plastic...
by Dr John Luther | Apr 25, 2012 | General Patient Info
Statistics and survey reports from the Disease Control and Prevention center has stated that nearly 29% of adults and 27% of children suffer a lot from tooth cavity problems. The worst part is that the cavities arising in the tooth remain untreated until it is too...
by Dr John Luther | Mar 2, 2012 | News & Updates
New website coming by the end of April 2012. Keep checking for updates.
by Dr John Luther | Apr 29, 2011 | General Patient Info
If you ever have any dental questions about anything…something you read on our website, or something else related to dentistry, feel free to ask through our blog section. Just click on the heading above. I will look forward to answering your questions and/or reading...
by Dr John Luther | Apr 25, 2011 | News & Updates
I am very happy to announce that Timbercrest Dental Center, S.C. finally got the necessary land to start the detailed process of building a new, stand-alone, state-of-the-art office with all the latest equipment and technology. We will be conveniently located about a...